CIPH awards Bradford White employee for outstanding volunteer work
August 20, 2024 | By HPAC Magazine
The Joseph K. Seidner award recognizes the outstanding volunteer commitments of members in developing plumbing codes and standards.
The Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating’s (CIPH) board of directors has presented the Joseph K. Seidner award to Tom Gervais, director of specification and product development at Bradford White Corporations.
Named in honour of its first recipient, the Joseph K. Seidner award recognizes the outstanding volunteer commitments of members from across the industry in dedicating their time, knowledge and expertise toward the development of plumbing codes and standards.
In addition to his position with Bradford White, Gervais currently serves as the new chair of the CIPH’s Plumbing and Mechanical Advisory Council (PMAC) and is a past recipient of the association’s Outstanding Service award.
“In my short time with CIPH, I have come to admire and deeply respect the decades of service that Tom has provided to the plumbing industry in Canada, not to mention, volunteering his time to CIPH,” the association’s current Chief Executive Officer, Satinder Chera, shared on LinkedIn.