HPAC Magazine

Attracting and Retaining Foreign Workers

August 21, 2024 | By Omar Kaywan

What the HVAC and plumbing industries need to know about tapping into this wider talent pool.

With around 33,000 jobs across plumbing and HVAC needing to be filled, Omar Kaywan of Goose Insurance explains how to maximize the opportunities for skilled foreign workers. (Photo source: LinkedIn)

Canada’s Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) department has recently concluded the 2024 round of its Express Entry program to help fill employment slots in key sectors, including the HVAC and plumbing fields.

The Canadian government has an urgent need for workers in specific sectors to help the country grow and succeed. With a shortage of skilled labour in Canada, there is an opportunity for companies to hire foreign workers to spur economic growth, and to provide immigrants with quality jobs to improve their lives and personal economic prosperity.

Experienced plumbing and HVAC skilled trade workers are in demand across Canada, especially in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Alberta, and Manitoba. According to the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS) over the 2022-2031 period, around 12,600 plumbing jobs are expected to open and need to be filled.


And over that same period around 20,400 HVAC jobs are expected to open and need to be filled. This is where the opportunity for skilled foreign workers to enter the workforce in Canada comes into play.

Currently, Canada welcomes around 500,000 new immigrants every year (which is one of the highest rates per population of any country). According to Canada’s Immigration Ministry almost 100% of Canada’s labour force growth can be attributed to immigrants, and by 2036, immigrants are expected to make up about 30% of the country’s population.

There are multiple programs in place such as the Federal Skilled Workers Program (FWSP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and more that can work specifically to place foreign workers in plumbing and HVAC jobs throughout the country, but it can be confusing to navigate what requirements workers must meet, even with the Express Entry pause ended, it can take longer than workers and companies would prefer if they don’t have everything in place.

Be Prepared

Plumbing and HVAC firms looking to attract and hire these foreign workers in Canada can help make the process easier by educating themselves and potential prospects on the requirements they must meet for Express Entry by focusing on:

  • What insurance coverage is required
  • What options for insurance coverage are available that are affordable
  • How they can get this information to prospective foreign workers

Another thing employers should consider when recruiting immigrant workers is the appeal of bringing their extended families with them. Canada’s super visa program allows aged extended family members from other countries to visit Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Instead of having to leave their parents and grandparents behind, employers can attract immigrant employees by educating these workers about the super visa.

Each year, the IRCC issues approximately 17,000 super visas to parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

The super visa allows for multiple entry to eligible applicants for up to 10 years, with an authorized stay for each individual entry for up to five years. IRCC plans to issue up to 36,000 super visa’s each year by 2025 under the Family Immigration Plan.

Insurance Requirements

Foreign workers are often eligible for provincial health care coverage; however, many provinces have a waiting period before coverage is in effect. Employers must obtain and pay for this coverage with no financial impact to employees.


For family members applying for a super visa there are requirements that must be met before obtaining entry into Canada. While the overall list can be found on the Government of Canada website, it consists of a letter of invitation, income testing, proof their host is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or registered Indian, there’s also a very important portion that requires health insurance.

The required health insurance must be from a Canadian insurance provider, and must cover health care, hospitalization, and repatriation for a minimum of one year for super visa applications.

Health insurance plans can be expensive, especially when trying to meet the requirements for super visa applicants as these applicants are older.

Note: When shopping for a health insurance plan, look for one that covers more than just the basics – it will save money in the long run. The minimum coverage requirement is $100,000 for super visas. Consider a higher coverage limit due to the high cost of healthcare in Canada and the age of the applicant as they may not be in optimal health.

The good news is, once the process has been completed and visiting family members have been approved for entry, they can stay for up to five years!

If extended family members enter Canada and the border officer puts a stamp on without a handwritten date, they’re allowed to stay for the full five years, otherwise they’ll be given a required departure date.

Additionally, a super visa is valid for 10 years with no further paperwork required by family members.

Long-term Connections

The super visa is a great way for aged immediate family members to visit for long periods of time from other countries, and this can go a long way to keeping foreign workers comfortable and committed to staying with your company.

While immigrant workers need to undergo the Express Entry process, informing them and educating them on a simple way for extended family to visit without restriction will make the move more appealing.

Filling the tens of thousands of jobs Canada needs in the very near future will require skilled trade companies to take initiatives like this seriously to keep their businesses growing and Canada’s economy rolling.

Omar Kaywan is the co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Vancouver-based Goose Insurance.


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