HPAC Magazine

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September 15, 2014 | By HPAC Magazine

Public review on proposed changes to the National Model Construction Codes - Fall 2014

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invites Code users and stakeholders to participate in the fall 2014 public review of proposed changes to the National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC); National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NFC); National Plumbing Code of Canada 2010 (NPC); and National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2011 (NECB).

The review, which takes place from September 8 to October 31, 2014, provides Code users and stakeholders with a detailed look at proposed technical changes; seek comment on each proposed technical change as to whether it should be approved, altered, or rejected; and seeks comments on updates to documents referenced in the National Model Construction Codes.

The public review will close at 4:00 p.m. EDT on October 31, 2014. The relevant committees of the CCBFC will review every comment that was received up to that date. The committees will then either withdraw the proposed change; recommend that it be reviewed further for possible re-submission in revised form in a future public review; or recommend that it be approved by the CCBFC, with or without modification. If approved by the CCBFC, the technical changes will be published in the 2015 editions of the National Model Construction Codes.

 For more information, contact Anne Gribbon at anne.gribbon@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca.



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