HPAC Magazine

Cisco Canada, Schneider Electric begin smart partnership

April 21, 2014 | By HPAC Magazine

Cisco Canada and Schneider Electric have embarked on a partnership to create new opportunities in the development of smart buildings and smart communities across Canada. The partnership was announced on the first day of spring at the Earth Rangers Centre for Sustainable Technology in Woodbridge, ON. The centre is one of the most efficient buildings in the world and a leader in innovative water, energy conservation and comfort strategies.

Rick Huijbregts, Cisco Canada’s vice president and general manager of Smart + Connected Communities, said the world will spend more money on energy in the next 40 years than it has in the previous 400.

“This massive increase in demand creates challenges with generation, distribution and CO2 emissions,” he wrote in a Cisco Canada blog post. “In order to address this dilemma we need to eliminate waste and reduce demand, while managing to improve profitability and resource productivity.”

Schneider and Cisco believe conservation efforts will build a route to a sustainable future. “Schneider Electric has developed solutions to address this growing demand, while we’ve been working hard at Cisco to develop sustainable technologies to show people that technology can work for the environment, and not against it,” he said. “Like us, Schneider believes cities hold the key to energy sustainability and it’s our job to make sure they become smarter through technology. This shared vision of sustainable development and innovation forms the cornerstone of our new Canadian partnership.”

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