HPAC Magazine

Hydronics: Optimal In-slab Piping Depth [30 Mechanical Minutes]

October 25, 2021 | By HPAC Magazine

On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 HPAC Magazine hosted a live on-line discussion with hydronics industry expert John Siegenthaler as part of HPAC’s 30 Mechanical Minutes series—the free webinar series featuring virtual content for real world professionals. In this episode the conversation focused on the difference the depth of the tubing makes in the effective heat distribution on concrete slabs. As Siegenthaler notes, the difference between having the piping at the bottom of a four-inch concrete slab as opposed to the centre makes a significant difference, and that gets magnified when we consider the transition to low-temperature hydronic heating systems, such as heat pumps and high-efficiency condensing boilers.

This session was sponsored by Arctic Heat Pumps.

See the entire session here:


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