Competition for the fourth annual Green Building Product of the Year Award is now open. The deadline to submit is February 13, 2018.
Presented by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), the annual award is based on four criteria: sustainability, transparency and verification, innovation and application.
Entrants to the competition must be national CaGBC members, and the product must be manufactured or designed in Canada. Services and software are not eligible.
The top three entrants will be asked to provide a short video about the product to be shown to delegates at CaGBC’s national conference and showcase, Building Lasting Change 2018. The conference will be held at the Beanfield Centre in Toronto, ON, from June 5 to 7, 2018.
The award will be presented at the Leadership Awards Gala in Toronto, ON, on June 6, 2018. The winner will gain the right to use the CaGBC Product of the Year crest on marketing materials and the product website. A case study on the winner will also be made available on the CaGBC website.
Product of The Year started in 2015 with a goal to encourage Canadian companies to develop sustainable building products and materials.
“Each year the calibre of submissions increases,” says Thomas Mueller, president and CEO of CaGBC.
UL Environment, an independent product safety testing, certification and inspection organization, sponsors the Award.