HPAC Magazine

Model DRZ with Variable Speed Feed

May 16, 2016 | By HPAC Magazine

The new Model DRZ power drain cleaner from General Pipe Cleaners offers a quick, clean way to clear clogged sink, tub and laundry drains in 1-1/4″ to 3″ lines. Weighing just 30 lbs., the light and powerful machine features a variable speed power cable feed to give you complete control as it feeds and retrieves the cable at up to 16 feet per minute. The four foot guide tube means you never have to touch the cable. So your hands, and the jobsite, stay clean.


For more information, contact the Drain Brains® at General Pipe Cleaners at 800-245-6200 or 412-771-6300, or visit www.drainbrain.com.



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