HPAC Magazine

Watts celebrating 150th anniversary with customer sweepstakes

January 5, 2024 | By HPAC Magazine

The year-long contest, open to customers of any brand in the Watts family, offers an opportunity to sign up to “learn and earn” prizes.


In celebration of its 150th anniversary, Watts has launched its “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow” sweepstakes, a year-long contest open to customers of any brand in the Watts family across Canada and the U.S., offering an opportunity to “learn and earn” prize packages all year long.

The sweepstakes is live and will run through December 31, 2024, and they will be offering monthly and quarterly prizes, along with a grand prize trip for two to Boston.

Customers need to create a free account with Watts Works Online to be eligible to participate and then they can “learn and earn” limited-time-only tickets redeemable for sweepstakes entries.

One ticket equals one entry, and customers can earn tickets through any of Watts’ professional training opportunities, including eLearning through Watts Works Online, lunch and learn sessions, and in-person training at any Watts Learning Center.

For specific eligibility requirements, visit watts.com/150sweepstakesrules.



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