HPAC Magazine

Leak Defense announces BuildAlert for 24/7 jobsite protection

September 11, 2023 | By HPAC Magazine

The system allows users to remotely turn off water in the event of a leak.

Leak Defense, a Watts brand, has announced the release of BuildAlert, a new system that allows users to gain 24/7 visibility into the water management on a construction jobsite.

The system allows users to automatically turn off water in the event of a leak — both during and after working hours.

BuildAlert offers a set of features including automatic controls, displays, and alarms. As long as there’s a jobsite internet connection, the system allows remote on/off capabilities accessible via a free PC or mobile app. 

The system allows users to schedule automatic scene/mode changes after hours and it can maintain jobsite water pressure to help ensure a steady supply of water.

For integration and customization, the system offers an optional API for input/output signaling to remote systems, output alarms, or building management systems.




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